Monday, May 4, 2009

Free Article: Most Influential Figures in My Life

What is your figure?

I live in a go at this time, it feels difficult for me if there is no goal that I want to achieve. Where are we going if we do not know the direction of the wind? What we can see without a candle in the dark of night? What is it mean? For me,the purpose of life is important. Here, I won't teach or ask you about the best purpose of life. I just want to share what is in my mind. The purpose of life can make us become more in the spirit of life. We can do things seriously with all the best capability we have.

Before determining the purpose of life, it is very important search for the prominent figures to be role models in our life. Indirectly they can give the spirit to me to be more seriously in reaching the goal. Great people around me have made me think harder on how I can be like them. They like a teacher who able to guide me and invites me to go progress. They are the people who I admire in my life.

Who is my role model figure at this time? There are so many figures that I can make them as my role models. They come from my own family, society where I live, school , and famous people in the world. I am interested in their success, hard work, goodness, intellect and more...

Who are they?

My Mother. She is the most powerful woman that I ever encountered. give him a sincere love, so I can be like this. Without her love, we are nothing. I want to be like her.

Prophet Muhammad. He is the best model for me, because according to Michael H. Hart in his book "The 100" said that the prophet muhammad occupies the first rank of 100 most influential people in the world. The 100 explains that he is the careers of religious and political leaders, inventors, writers, philosophers, scientists, and artists.

Albert Einstein. Who does not know him? He is best known for his theory of relativity and specifically mass–energy equivalence, expressed by the equation E = mc2. He has given many contributions in the world of physics. His theory is very useful for human life.

Larry Page. Do you ever use Google search engine? Larry Page is the important person behind it. He is co-founder this great search engine. I I really adore him. He has made a very good service for all internet users across the world.

Four figures above make my life became more beautiful because they are my spirit to be progress. What is your influential figures?

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